Take your skills to the stage!

Public speaking is an invaluable skill for professionals in various fields, and when teaching hair and beauty this is no exception. As an educator, your ability to communicate effectively can significantly impact your students' learning experiences and your career success as an educator. Public speaking skills are indispensable for us as educators, as they play a pivotal role in creating a positive and effective learning environment. Confidence, clear communication, engagement, empathy, and adaptability; are all essential components of effective teaching through public speaking. Here are a few pointers to help you with your public speaking skills in the classroom or online, using some of my ‘Speech To Teach methods:

  1. Confidence:

Confidence is the first thing to master if you want to be an effective public speaker in the classroom. Your students will be looking up to you as their source of knowledge, and as their personal guide,  so for you to instil...

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Learn Exactly How To Scale Your Salon In 2022.

The only five steps you need to take to scale your beauty business and make more money on doing what you love.