Industry Week At Weymouth College
Feb 10, 2024
Today I went back to College!
It’s that time of year again where I meet up with the Colleges I supply, and discuss new products and courses to continue our supplies and partnership - but today was a little different.
I was asked to come in during “Industry Week”, and give a talk to the students about what is waiting for them on the other side of College.
I reminded the ladies that this is not a hobby, and that there are big opportunities and lots of money to be made in the beauty industry.
One of the tutors came in from another class and said “I had to come in and meet you, all of the ladies have just come out so inspired- and they’re all trying to guess you’re age as you’ve done so much in the industry!”.
Apparently one student said “I want to be Layla when I grow up!”, that made me giggle!
I told them that I have at least 7 streams of income, and I’m not even really “working” - that made them sit up and listen some more!
I was only supposed to have been in there an hour, but I stayed, and I changed the whole afternoon! (sorry to the tutors! ).
By the end of the day, all of them had a free account set up on Canva, and many had created their first logos, and came up with a business name - I told them this afternoon, we are thinking and dreaming BIG, and they did!
I spoke about money and told them that they deserve money to flow their way and to go out there demanding a lifestyle that’s going to give it to them.
Why? because money gives us freedom.
I’m a perfect example of somebody that can live their ideal day, whilst earning money, and a lot of it.
Thank you to Weymouth College for your business/ partnership, and thank you for inviting me in on such an important week for your students - the next generation of beauty pros