"Happy Birthday to meeee!''

Nov 24, 2022

 It's Beauty Boss HQ's 3rd Birthday! πŸŽ‰

Here's the thing though, did I want another business...not particularly (you know I like to be honest with you all) but am I glad I did it... ABSO-FRIGGIN-LOUTELY!

You see, I was already making huge waves in my beauty training and distribution company, The Creative Beauty Group; I had already won multiple awards, taught almost 100 other women (over a 10-year growth stint!) how to teach my beauty courses across the UK and Ireland, I even formulated, developed and launched my own professional beauty brands to the global market (Exposed Spray tan, Lashnv Lashes, and Lipnv No Needle Filler).

I was already an 8 figure business (one that had given me so much freedom that I was even running my brands and companies from another country!) so... WHY DID I DO IT?

Why did I set up what has gone on to be a multi-level membership site, with direct access to myself, and access to my tried, and PROVEN ways of making a lot of money, LIKE A LOT?

The answer: To help women like YOU run a more profitable beauty business.

Of course, I am talking about Beauty Boss HQ, the home of the Take Action Club, and The Beauty Boss Academy, and I have to say, its been a scream!

To celebrate three years of AMAZINGNESS, and a special thank YOU for being present in our community, we created a giveaway, the ultimate salon gift- the ''Beauty Boss Birthday Bundle!'' 🎁

The team at BBHQ went live on our Instagram (while out for a celebratory dinner and cheeky cocktailsπŸ™Š) to reveal who the lucky winner of our ''Beauty Boss Birthday Bundle!''

What a day to remember!

A maassivvee thank you to all the beauty bosses who have shared this journey with us, we guarantee you'll love what we have coming next!

Layla x