You are cordially invited in to...

The Beauty Boss Boardroom 

 The business course every business owner needs to attend. With business strategies from Beauty Boss founder Layla Tourh.

Spend time with Beauty Boss founder and serial entrepreneur, Layla Tourh, in the Beauty Boss Boardroom. Find the solutions you are looking for to grow your hair or beauty business.

  • Discover strategies to attract more clients and keep them coming back for repeat business
  • Learn how to make your beauty business thrive in today's competitive market
  • Get practical tips and advice on how to scale your business for long-term success
  • Identify common challenges that may be holding you back from achieving your business goals, such as low bookings or lack of marketing strategy
  • Gain confidence and clarity in your approach to social media marketing, and learn how to use it effectively to build your brand and attract new clients

WHERE & WHEN: Bournemouth.

February 19th 2024

The Beauty Boss Boardroom Masterclass is delivered by our very own Beauty Boss, Layla Tourh.

As the CEO of Beauty Boss HQ and its Academies, Layla is a highly experienced and accomplished entrepreneur with a passion for helping women succeed in business. With over 24 years in the beauty industry, she knows the ins and outs of business success, and is happy to share her knowledge around the table.

Layla is dedicated to providing a supportive and collaborative environment where attendees can network and learn from each other. She's looking forward to bringing together a community of like-minded business go-ers, who are ready to take their beauty businesses to new heights.


Claim Your Seat At The Table!

This is an incredible opportunity to elevate your beauty business and connect with business women at your level.

Secure your seat at the table and walk out of the Beauty Boss Boardroom with the tools and knowledge you need to take your business to new heights.


*Goal Setting

*Time Management

*Ideal Client (Practical session)

*Sell Like A Boss (strategy training not retail training!)

*Funnel (customised to your area of expertise)

*How to scale your beauty business

Limited seats are available, so don't wait! Claim your seat now and get ready to level up!